A Wintry DIY Body Scrub

A Wintry DIY Body Scrub

While exfoliating the face is a highly important part of skin care, remembering to exfoliate the body also ranks high on the list.

Exfoliation supports the skin’s rejuvenation process by removing dead skin cells and helping new skin cells emerge. A gentle diy body scrub will support the shedding process and prevent build-up in pores that may cause irritation and breakouts.

Is there a better way to spend a chilly, wind-whipping day than indulging in some radical self care? Closing in on yule season, it’s no surprise if your skin has been feeling a little lackluster. Cold temperatures outside mixed with warm air flow inside creates the perfect recipe for dry, itchy skin. And since we’re bursting with herbal creation ideas as we hang out indoors for the season, we’ve decided to create a festive diy body scrub to show our skin a little extra lovin’.

While exfoliating the face is a highly important part of skin care, remembering to exfoliate the body also ranks high on the list.

Ingredient Highlights

Make & Mary Empress Tea

A mellow and dreamy blend of nourishing herbs that support the body from the inside out. With skin-soothing herbs like rose and chamomile, the Make & Mary Empress Tea will help soothe any irritation or redness that arise from harsh winter conditions. Infuse this loose-leaf tea in some oil and you have a lush herbal blend that will leave your skin feeling dewey and soft.

Carrier Oil (Sweet almond or Jojoba)

Both jojoba and sweet almond oil have vitamin E, which helps moisturize skin and ease occasional irritation. The fatty acid content in both oils hydrates the skin for a smooth, firm, and glowing appearance.

Dead Sea Salt or Epsom Salt

Both salts work great for scrubs! Dead sea salt is the main exfoliating ingredient in our wintery diy body scrub as it removes unwanted dead skin cells that are prone to causing discomfort. It’s also rich in minerals that soothe redness and provide protection against bacteria. Adding a little Epsom salt will elevate the exfoliating process, especially if you have dry and itchy skin!


There’s nothing quite like the smell of pine in winter. Pine essential oil is invigorating for the senses and cleansing for the skin. Wearing a lot of layers in winter can trap unwanted debris and microbes against your skin that cause breakouts. Pine’s antimicrobial properties can help keep your skin healthy and feeling fresh. Forage your own pine needles to level-up your scrub and add an uplifting, bright finish.

Make & Mary Massage Oil

Herbaceous and woodsy, this soothing massage oil releases tension and invokes the magic of calm. Our small batch Adaptogenic Massage Oil has the same scent profile as the Make & Mary Face & Body Serum; however, we added some special adaptogenic ashwagandha and bala root to invoke the magic of calm.

How to Make a Wintery DIY Body Scrub

During the darker months, providing your body with physical touch can boost mental health and nurture the soul. Crafting a botanical body scrub connects us with nature outside our doors and imparts a comforting feeling of sensuality. This herbal creation is soulful, easy, and deeply nourishing!


  • Place Make & Mary Empress Tea in a jar and pour in the carrier oil until the herbs are completely covered. Store in a dark, cool place for 4 - 6 weeks, shaking occasionally to make sure the herbs stay submerged. Pro Tip: If you’d like to make a faster infusion, you can make a water bath on the stovetop. Simply place your herbs and oil in a heatproof glass jar, cap, then place in a pot. Fill your pot with 1 cup water and simmer for 4 - 8 hours on low. Keep an eye on the water levels and carefully refill if the water bath gets too low. Avoid getting any water in the herb and oil mixture.
  • Once your oil infusion is good to go, add ¼ cup of the oil infusion to the salt and save the rest of the oil for other self-care rituals.
  • Blend the pine essential oil with the Make & Mary Massage Oil or Face & Body Serum, then combine the oils with the salts.
  • Add the freshly chopped pine needles (optional).
  • Stir until fully combined.

To use, simply slather a few tablespoons of this exfoliating scrub all over your body the next time you take a shower or bath, paying special attention to your feet, heels, elbows, and knees.

Feeling highly inspired? Elevate your festive diy body scrub by including other herbs, like juniper berries, chamomile, and lavender. A teaspoon will take your scrub to the next level!


1 cup carrier oil of choice (we recommend lighter oil like sweet almond or jojoba, but olive oil works great, too!)

½ - 1 cup Make & Mary Empress Loose Leaf Tea

1 cup Dead Sea salt or Epsom salt

10-20 drops pine essential oil

1 Tablespoon chopped fresh pine needles (optional)

1 Tablespoon Make & Mary Massage Oil or Face & Body Serum (optional)

In Closing

During this time of year when the light wanes and we’re often inside, it’s essential to give our mind, body, and spirit extra attention. Creating and using a wintery herbal diy body scrub not only makes our skin feel luxurious, but it connects us with cold weather herbs, like pine, when we need it most.

This luscious and therapeutic scrub is simple to make and the ideal, thoughtful gift to share with family and friends. We always keep a jar on hand during the solstice season so we’re constantly glowing - even on the darkest days.

If you’re psyched about your batch of homemade body scrub, then don’t forget to share and tag us on IG @themakeandmary or use the hashtag #highlyinspired. We love seeing the herbal magic you all create!

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