Cacao Ceremony to Open Your Heart

Cacao Ceremony to Open Your Heart

Open to Receive, an evening to honor our hearts and  celebrate the New Lunar Moon. 

Open to Receive, an evening to honor our hearts and celebrate the New Lunar Moon. Together under the darkness of the New Moon, we will move energy. Open our hearts, activate our voice by inviting in love, balance and inspiration for the days ahead.

Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Cost: $57

Space is Limited. Doors close at 6:45. Please give yourself time to arrive 15 minutes early . There is street parking.

About Yvonne: Yvonne is a Curandera herbalist, medicine woman, energy weaver, soul doula and ceremonial designer. She draws inspiration from her ancestral lineage of Mexican and Scottish decent, each rooted in Earth-based practices and cosmic connections.


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