Please join us for a Spirit Drum making Workshop using traditional methods with and by honoring the animal spirits.
Sunday evening, May 26th
from 5-8pm
Cost: starting at $150
We welcome in the mystical Misty Dawn to guide us through the beautiful process. Misty has been making drums, rattles and other shamanic instruments for many years, we are excited for her spirit to teach us this sacred practice.

You will be make either a 12 or 15 inch Spirit Drum
- 12 inch drums are a perfect travel size with more reverberation.
- 15 inch drums are great for longer periods of drumming and a beautiful size
We are working with ethically sourced hides of either deer or elk.
Deer are associated with the heart chakra. It is the easiest hide to work with. They are nearly white in color, and have a great reverberation. However, they are finicky about damp weather. But, Misty will teach us a few tricks to help with this.
Elk are associated with the solar plexus chakra. These hides can vary in color from a light yellowish coloring, to a milk chocolate. The tone is a bit lower than deer, and very melodic. These drums usually take longer to dry after making than any other hide. But it is well worth the wait!