HAPPENINGS at casa de ritual

Monthly gatherings—for body & soul

Upcoming Events

3/16- Embroidery Altar Cloth Making with Yvonne and mender, Erin Eggenburg

3/23- 1 Day Womens Retreat with Yvonne & friends- Sunday, March 23rd

3-29- Aura Photos & Divination Readings- Saturday, March 29th

Events — tarot

New Moon Tea & Tarot Pop-up

New Moon Tea & Tarot Pop-up

When we take a moment to be still and tap into the present we are on neutral ground, allowing us to enter a space of restoration. A place where new ideas live, dreams flow, and magical intentions a...
Tarot & Aromatherapy, A Pop-up

Tarot & Aromatherapy, A Pop-up

Join us for a Tarot & Aromatherapy Pop-up at Make & Mary.Saturday, September 17th from 11-3:30 pm Take a self care day for yourself. Do one of the activities or both! Bring a friend an...
Tea & Tarot—An Uplifting Night Of Self Care

Tea & Tarot—An Uplifting Night Of Self Care

Following the energies created from the Solar Eclipse, we gathered with good intentions to share stories and to learn about blending CBD teas. The Lady of Lightning, Brooke Dabalos lead e...