Autumn is here, and with it comes one of our favorite times of year - Croptober!
The month of October marks a special time for those in the cannabis industry. After months of caring for our sun-grown, green babies, it’s finally time to harvest our beautiful, sacred plants.
This year, in celebration of Croptober and Hispanic Heritage Month, we’ve decided to make cannabis floral crowns with freshly harvested buds.
Honoring cannabis is an ancestral tradition for many cultures.
Due to the plant’s versatile and elevating nature, it has been considered a sacred medicine (and much more) for thousands of years. Mexican tribes have carried on the ritual of smoking hemp during ceremonies and consider cannabis to be a “plant of the gods.”
From the highly-inspiring way it helps the mind and spirit blossom, to its practical uses for textiles and paper, the entire cannabis plant is wonderous.
To express our overwhelming gratitude for cannabis, we love creating beauty with its lush flower buds and stunning leaves. Working with the plant in various ways inspires us to create a deeper bond with cannabis, continuing a relationship that our ancestors nurtured and cherished.
The following instructions will guide you through how to make a flower crown with canna buds. They are the perfect accessory for harvest-time music festivals and any other magical gatherings you might be attending!

How to Make a Flower Crown
The artistry of a flower crown is personal and powerful. You can choose the flowers and plants that are sacred to you and honor them through adornment. Included with our freshly harvested canna buds, we love choosing a bouquet from a local farm or farmer’s market so we feel connected to the flowers while also supporting our community.
2 types of floral wire (heavy, 18-20 gauge wire + light, 24 - 26 gauge wire)
Floral tape
Wire cutters
A bouquet of fresh flowers (or dried)
~4 fresh CBD leaves
2-4 grams of cannabis or hemp buds

- Measure the heavy gauge floral wire around your head (we recommend having it come down just below your forehead hairline) and leave 1-2 inches on both ends for wrapping. Cut the wire.
- Create a crown with this wire around your head and wrap the ends together. Make sure the crown fits snuggly.
- Secure the wrapped part with floral tape and continue wrapping around the entire crown for a natural look. Set aside.
- Cut the flower and canna leaf stems to ~1-2 inches long. For the canna buds, remove some of the bottom leaves/buds to create a long enough stem to attach to the crown.
- Start attaching flowers and canna buds one by one by wrapping the base of the flower bud to the crown with light gauge wire. Then secure the stems by wrapping them with floral tape.
- Continue to add flowers and buds until you’re completely satisfied with your glowing creation.
Pro tips:
If you’re interested in drying your flower crown after you wear it, choose flowers and plants that dry well, such as roses, rose buds, hydrangea, baby’s breath, herbs (lavender, rosemary, yarrow, etc.), and many more! This will help keep the petals and leaves intact so it’s just as stunning dry as it is fresh.
Plan on wearing your crown for multiple events? Preserve your fresh flowers by covering the bottom of a pie tin with damp paper towels. Add your crown, then layer more damp paper towels on top of your flowers until it’s completely covered. Store the tin with your crown in the fridge for up to 3 days!
In Closing:
Learning how to make a flower crown is a fun and expressive art that weaves years of cultural traditions with the Earth. The creativity of including our sacred cannabis buds encourages gratitude and stokes our radically wild and witchy vibes.
A huge shout out to Su (@rancheramami) at Ranchera Familia for always supplying us with the most divine flowers and canna buds! Their beautiful hemp blossoms and buds never disappoint.
Don’t forget to share your gorgeous crowns on IG and tag us @themakeandmary so we can enjoy your stunning creation(s).